Dissemination and exploitation (WP5)
Promote QuaLiFY activities and results, and protect intellectual property
A variety of communication channels were used to publicise QuaLiFY amongst stakeholders, such as European health and biotech SMEs and healthcare professionals as well as allied services (e.g. dietitians). These tools included the website, social media and printed materials (e.g. flyers). Internal knowledge and intellectual property (IP) will be managed transparently to facilitate exploitation opportunities for SME in the consortium and – after EU-funded ends – beyond.
- Manage transparently internal knowledge and IPR to optimise exploitation opportunities
- Promote QuaLiFY and its results widely and effectively to relevant Stakeholder groups
Work Packages
- Integration of dietary advice tools (WP1)
- Knowledge disclosure for personalised dietary advice services (WP2)
- Field labs for evaluation for business models and dietary advice services (WP3)
- Open innovation and collaborative business development (WP4)
- Dissemination and exploitation (WP5)
- Coordination (WP6)