Field labs for evaluation for business models and dietary advice services (WP3)
Evaluate the tools developed by QuaLiFY for dietary advice services with three groups: obese young people, children with eating disorder, and type 2 diabetics
Tools and services for personalised dietary advice developed by QuaLiFY were used in three field labs by those working with individuals for whom diet is a critical control point in their health, namely (pre-)obese young people (16-18 years), children and adolescents with eating disorders, and (pre-) diabetic adults.
- Implement and evaluate a series of integrated personalised dietary advice services based on non- and minimally invasive measurements (e.g. food intake, and lifestyle assessment, pheno- and genotyping) and provided through Quisper®, for three target groups: (1) (pre) obese young people, (2) children and adolescents with eating disorders and (3) type 2 (pre-)diabetes patients
- Test/ validate the business models of these implementations
Work Packages
- Integration of dietary advice tools (WP1)
- Knowledge disclosure for personalised dietary advice services (WP2)
- Field labs for evaluation for business models and dietary advice services (WP3)
- Open innovation and collaborative business development (WP4)
- Dissemination and exploitation (WP5)
- Coordination (WP6)