Integration of dietary advice tools (WP1)
Identify, evaluate scientifically, and integrate existing IT-solutions for personalised dietary advice and self-assessment tools and services
Personalised dietary and lifestyle advice relies on the quantification of individuals’ characteristics, such as sex, age, weight, height, physical activity levels, genotype (which genes), phenotype (which characteristics arising from a group of genes), dietary habits, health status, etc. Tools and services supporting personalised advice are increasingly available, and those with in the consortium were identified, evaluated and integrated within the IT-platform (Quisper®), which was developed by QuaLiFY.
- Assess solutions for personalised dietary advice and self-quantification services available within the QuaLiFY Consortium
- Identify and assess new non-invasive and minimally invasive quantification methods that would be of great benefit for the participating SMEs
- Identify best practice methods and technologies that allow use of multiple services in applications, thus allowing optimal use of an integrated ‘toolkit’ by all SMEs (to be developed in WP2)
- Provide improved services to the field labs (WP3)
Work Packages
- Integration of dietary advice tools (WP1)
- Knowledge disclosure for personalised dietary advice services (WP2)
- Field labs for evaluation for business models and dietary advice services (WP3)
- Open innovation and collaborative business development (WP4)
- Dissemination and exploitation (WP5)
- Coordination (WP6)