Potential of open data

Viewpoint by Sabri Abarkan (Vivsan, DE)
Entering a new era of technology and information distribution comes with growing demands. While in the past governments, scientists and businesses have capitalised on restricting access to information, many are beginning to see the potential in developing new services in an environment where information is readily available to everyone.
Europe has implemented the G8 Open Data Charter, and national governments around the world are opening up vast amounts of data produced in the past. In such an environment, scientists and businesses thrive through utilization rather than ownership of information, and develop new types of services.
QuaLiFY, as EU-funded research comprised of SMEs and research and technology organisations, embarked on this mission. A prototype platform of scientifically validated information was created to support personalised health and nutrition advice. Due to its nature, the platform can only grow in value as more information is connected to it, thereby providing a wider range of data and knowledge to match the increasing needs of users. With established protocols for information storage and delivery, dissemination of information is optimised, and interested parties access information they need from a single location in a presentable format.
The result of open data on a publically accessible platform, where a wide range of scientific organisations and companies can contribute/ participate, is specialisation across a wide range of areas while maintaining quality. As well as increasing the usefulness through quality and categorisation, this also allows research and business to improve their activities and services.